Remarking of Exams - Deanship of Admission and Registration

Regulations for Remarking Exams

Regulations for Remarking Exams

The student may submit an application of re-marking the exam scripts to the competent department within fifteen days of announcing the result of the final exam; then the application is uploaded to the academic system and the student receives a notification.

  The student must not have made three previous requests of re-marking the scripts of three final exams that were found unjustified or kept.

 Within fifteen days of submitting the request, Head of Department asks the instructor of the course for a reply. In case of soundness of marking, Head of Department should brief the student on it and compare it to the model answer. In case that the student was convinced that the marking is correct and sound, the student shall sign of relinquishment and Head of Department signs to keep the request, considering this request as one of the requests referred to in the second item.

 In case of inconvenience of marking, Head of Department forms a committee of two faculty members in the department; none of them is the course's instructor, the committee reports to Head of Department to make a decision of changing the student's scores or refusing his request. Then, the student is notified of the decision.

 If Head of Department is the same course's instructor, Vice-Dean for Academic Affairs carries out the previous regulations.

 Within fifteen days of notification, the student may complain to the College Council formally to Dean of College, including causes and justifications in a form that include the following data: (student's name; number; course's number, code, and title; section number; semester; GPA; absence and notices; instructor of the course; date of exam; justifications of remarking; clarification of the correctness of information; a statement from Deanship of Admission and Registration of the previous remarking requests submitted by the student; and decisions made). The form, attached with all documents, is submitted to College Council in its first meeting after submitting the complaint.

 College Council, in case of inconvenience of the justifications of the complaint, issues a decision of keeping the request. In case the re-marking is approved, the college council will form a committee of three faculty members at least, not from the department and does not include the course's instructor, for re-marking the scripts. The committee will submit a report regarding the case to the college council to make a decision in fifteen days. The council's decision is final according to the procedures stated in article (35) of the Regulation of Higher Education Council and Universities.