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Murshida Parvin

معلم ممارس

College of Languages and Translation
Department of English

I am a dynamic educationist, enthusiastic to do research for establishing a vibrant teaching and learning environment for 21st century EFL learners and teachers.

المؤهلات العلمية

Master of Arts in English Literature
Rajshahi University, Bangladesh

Bachelor of Arts (with honors) in English Language
 Rajshahi University, Bangladesh

Bachelor of Education
 National University, Bangladesh



التخصصات والمهارات

Professional Achievement:
Best Teacher Award from the department of English (Girls’ Section), Faculty of Sciences and Arts at  Najran University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the academic year 2013/2014
Administrative Experience:
2020-2022: Quality Coordinator (Translation Program) College of Languages & Translation, Najran University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

2015-2022: Participation in Academic Advising, and developing syllabi and courses
An Active Member of Bangladesh English Language Teachers Association (BELTA), from 2006 to 2009
Professional Skills:
  • Conducting virtual classes to satisfy digital learners’ needs and expectations

  • Establishing comfortable student-focused two-way communication that empowered students to enjoy the learning process on the Blackboard

  • Developing leadership skills by arranging presentations and debates on different academic topics

  • Using blackboard in teaching students to familiarize them with e-learning and enhance their engagement and achievement

  • Launching blogs and discussion forums for the effective completion of the tasks in groups.

  • Editing and proofreading students’ writing

  • Providing educational guidance and assistance for students as an academic advisor

  • Planning and preparing a lesson plans, and lecture materials, and also doing research

  • Checking and assessing students’ work and exam

  • Invigilating examinations

  • Mentoring students on how to do online research with different search engines and hoping to narrow down topics of interest.

  • Providing guidance on academic writing and report writing    

  • Ensuring active participation in extra-curricular activities

  • Arranging and conducting seminars and workshops to develop the students’ and the teachers’ 21st-century technology skills

الدورات التدربية

Workshops/Seminars conducted:
  • Culturing Participatory culture on the social media platform, College of languages, Najran University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 12.04.1440.
  • Becoming a self-regulated second language learner using tech tools, College of language and translation, Najran University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 06.03.1441.
Workshops/Seminars attended:
  • Increasing Your Research Impact, Taylor & Francis Group, June 29, 2021

  • Academic presence on a virtual platform, Deanship of Development & Quality, Najran University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia/January 16, 2019

  • Qualitative Research, Deanship of Development & Quality, Najran University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia/March 19, 2019

  • Blackboard training (Advanced level), Deanship of e-learning, Najran University, KSA/February 27, 2019

  • Blackboard training (basic level), Deanship of e-learning, Najran University, Saudi Arabia/October 24, 2018

  • Designing and analyzing e-questionnaire, Deanship of e-learning, Najran University, KSA/2018

  • Applications of Cloud Computing in Education, by Deanship of Development and Quality, Najran University, KSA/December 11, 2017

  • Designing and Analyzing E-Questionnaire, Deanship of Development and Quality, Najran University, KSA/ March 21-22, 2017

  • Quality Assurance, Najran University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia/ July 13, 2017

  • Blackboard System & Online Surveys Excel launched by Community College, Quality Unit, Najran University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia/ October 11, 2016

  • E-learning Quality in Higher Education, Deanship of Development and Quality, Najran University, KSA/April 5-6, 2016

  • Course Portfolio & Learning Outcomes Measurement, Deanship of Development & Quality, Najran University, KSA/October 06, 2016

  • Course Specification & Course Report, Najran University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia/ October 05, 2016

  • Preparing the self-study report, Deanship of Development & Quality, Najran University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Oct 29-30,2013

  • Learning & Teaching by Dr. Philippa Kelly, Develop & Quality Unit, Najran University, Saudi Arabia/ April 24-25, 2011

Scientific research

My Publication:  
  1. 1. Parvin, M. (2020), Dynamic Learning Platform for Dynamic EFL Learners: A New Journey to Navigate E-learning Program for English Education at the University Level, International Journal of English Linguistics, 10(2), 170-183.
URL: https://doi.org/10.5539/ijel.v10n2p170

2. A study on the challenges of Tech-integrated Task-Based Language Teaching in developing EFL learners’ reading skill (In Process)

Other Research Experiences:  
1995: Unpublished research:
 “T.S Eliot’s The Waste Land: A study on syntactic structure and narrative method that trigger poetic tone” (Master Thesis)

Courses Taught:

Listening & Speaking; Reading; Writing; Essay Writing; Introduction to Literature; History of English Literature; Prose; Poetry & Drama; Language & Culture; Stylistics; Grammar; Study Skills; Vocabulary Building; Language Testing; History of the English language; Research Methodology; Semantics; Language Acquisition; Introduction to Linguistics; English Pronunciation, Business English, English Language, Business English, Lexicology