home - Mohammad Zaki Ahmed
الاسم الرباعي
المسمى الوظيفي Lecturer
المرتبة العلمية
الكلية College of Pharmacy
القسم Pharmaceutics
وصف عام Drug Delivery

المؤهلات العلمية
13 research and teaching experience with good number of publication in renowned journal, various conference presentation, and book chapter.
التخصصات والمهارات
Developement and evaluation of various novel drug delivery system, Polyherbal drug formulation. Developement of nano-sized drug delivery system. Stress study, preformulation
الدورات التدربية
الدورات التدربية
Developement and evaluation of various novel drug delivery system, Polyherbal drug formulation. Developement of nano-sized drug delivery system. Stress study, preformulation
1. Alsareii, S. A.; Ahmad, J.; Umar, A.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Shaikh, I. A. Enhanced In Vivo Wound Healing Efficacy of a Novel Piperine-Containing Bioactive Hydrogel in Excision Wound Rat Model Molecules [Online], 2023.
2. Walbi, I. A.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Ahmad, J.; Algahtani, M. S.; Alali, A. S.; Alsudir, S. A.; Aodah, A. H.; Albarqi, H. A., Development of a Curcumin-Loaded Lecithin/Chitosan Nanoparticle Utilizing a Box-Behnken Design of Experiment: Formulation Design and Influence of Process Parameters. Polymers 2022, 14 (18), 3758.
3. Taha, M.; Alhakamy, N. A.; Md, S.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Rizwanullah, M.; Fatima, S.; Ahmed, N.; Alyazedi, F. M.; Karim, S.; Ahmad, J., Nanogels as Potential Delivery Vehicles in Improving the Therapeutic Efficacy of Phytopharmaceuticals. Polymers 2022, 14 (19), 4141.
4. Pathak, M. P.; Pathak, K.; Saikia, R.; Gogoi, U.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Patowary, P.; Das, A., Immunomodulatory effect of mushrooms and their bioactive compounds in cancer: A comprehensive review. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 2022, 149, 112901.
5. Muddapur, U. M.; Alshehri, S.; Ghoneim, M. M.; Mahnashi, M. H.; Alshahrani, M. A.; Khan, A. A.; Iqubal, S. M. S.; Bahafi, A.; More, S. S.; Shaikh, I. A., Plant-Based Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles and Theranostic Applications: A Review. Molecules 2022, 27 (4), 1391.
6. Algahtani, M. S.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Ahmad, J., Investigation of Factors Influencing Formation of Nanoemulsion by Spontaneous Emulsification: Impact on Droplet Size, Polydispersity Index, and Stability. Bioengineering 2022, 9 (8), 384.
7. Ahmed, F.; Khan, M. A.; Haider, N.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Ahmad, J., Recent Advances in Theranostic Applications of Nanomaterials in Cancer. Current Pharmaceutical Design 2022, 28 (2), 133-150.
8. Ahmad, S. S.; Ahmed, F.; Ali, R.; Ghoneim, M. M.; Alshehri, S.; Najmi, A. K.; Ahmad, S.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Ahmad, J.; Khan, M. A., Immunology of osteoporosis: relevance of inflammatory targets for the development of novel interventions. Immunotherapy 2022, 14 (10), 815-831.
9. Ahmad, M. Z.; Rizwanullah, M.; Ahmad, J.; Alasmary, M. Y.; Akhter, M. H.; Abdel-Wahab, B. A.; Warsi, M. H.; Haque, A., Progress in nanomedicine-based drug delivery in designing of chitosan nanoparticles for cancer therapy. International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials 2022, 71 (8), 602-623.
10. Ahmad, M. Z.; Mohammed, A. A.; Pathak, K.; Gogoi, U.; Saikia, R.; Ahmad, J., Metallic nanomaterials for the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases. In Nanotheranostics for Treatment and Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases, Elsevier: 2022; pp 289-317.
11. Ahmad, M. Z.; Bhatnagar, D.; Ladhe, S.; Kumar, D.; Pathak, K.; Das, R. J.; Sarma, H.; Mustafa, G., Liposomes and Niosomes for Targeted Drug and Gene Delivery Systems. In Pharmaceutical Nanobiotechnology for Targeted Therapy, Springer: 2022; pp 337-359.
12. Ahmad, M. Z.; Alasiri, A. S.; Alasmary, M. Y.; Abdullah, M. M.; Ahmad, J.; Abdel Wahab, B. A.; M Alqahtani, S. A.; Pathak, K.; Mustafa, G.; Khan, M. A., Emerging advances in nanomedicine for breast cancer immunotherapy: opportunities and challenges. Immunotherapy 2022, 14 (12), 957-983.
13. Ahmad, M. Z.; Alasiri, A. S.; Ahmad, J.; Alqahtani, A. A.; Abdullah, M. M.; Abdel-Wahab, B. A.; Pathak, K.; Saikia, R.; Das, A.; Sarma, H.; Alzahrani, S. A. Green Synthesis of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles Using Ocimum sanctum Leaf Extract: In Vitro Characterization and Its Healing Efficacy in Diabetic Wounds Molecules [Online], 2022.
14. Ahmad, M. Z.; Alasiri, A. S.; Ahmad, J.; Alqahtani, A. A.; Abdullah, M. M.; Abdel-Wahab, B. A.; Pathak, K.; Saikia, R.; Das, A.; Sarma, H., Green Synthesis of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles Using Ocimum sanctum Leaf Extract: In Vitro Characterization and Its Healing Efficacy in Diabetic Wounds. Molecules 2022, 27 (22), 7712.
15. Ahmad, M. Z.; Ahmad, J.; Alasmary, M. Y.; Akhter, S.; Aslam, M.; Pathak, K.; Jamil, P.; Abdullah, M. M., Nanoemulgel as an approach to improve the biopharmaceutical performance of lipophilic drugs: Contemporary research and application. Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology 2022, 103420.
16. Ahmad, J.; Rizwanullah, M.; Suthar, T.; Albarqi, H. A.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Vuddanda, P. R.; Khan, M. A.; Jain, K., Receptor-Targeted Surface-Engineered Nanomaterials for Breast Cancer Imaging and Theranostic Applications. Critical Reviews™ in Therapeutic Drug Carrier Systems 2022, 39 (6).
17. Ahmad, J.; Haider, N.; Khan, M. A.; Md, S.; Alhakamy, N. A.; Ghoneim, M. M.; Alshehri, S.; Imam, S. S.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Mishra, A., Novel therapeutic interventions for combating Parkinson’s disease and prospects of Nose-to-Brain drug delivery. Biochemical pharmacology 2022, 195, 114849.
18. Ahmad, J.; Albarqi, H. A.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Orabi, M. A. A.; Md, S.; Bandopadhyay, R.; Ahmed, F.; Khan, M. A.; Ahamad, J.; Mishra, A., Utilization of Nanotechnology to Improve Bone Health in Osteoporosis Exploiting Nigella sativa and Its Active Constituent Thymoquinone. Bioengineering 2022, 9 (11), 631.
19. Rizwanullah, M.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Ghoneim, M. M.; Alshehri, S.; Imam, S. S.; Md, S.; Alhakamy, N. A.; Jain, K.; Ahmad, J., Receptor-Mediated Targeted Delivery of Surface-ModifiedNanomedicine in Breast Cancer: Recent Update and Challenges. Pharmaceutics 2021, 13 (12), 2039.
20. Rizwanullah, M.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Garg, A.; Ahmad, J., Advancement in design of nanostructured lipid carriers for cancer targeting and theranostic application. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-General Subjects 2021, 1865 (9), 129936.
21. Pathak, K.; Das, R. J.; Saikia, R.; Das, A.; Ahmad, M. Z., Bora Rice: Natural polymer for drug delivery. Materials Proceedings 2021, 7 (1), 2.
22. Muheem, A.; Jahangir, M. A.; Jaiswal, C. P.; Jafar, M.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Ahmad, J.; Warsi, M. H., Recent patents, regulatory issues, and toxicity of nanoparticles in neuronal disorders. Current Drug Metabolism 2021, 22 (4), 263-279.
23. Mohammed, A. A.; Algahtani, M. S.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Ahmad, J.; Kotta, S., 3D Printing in medicine: Technology overview and drug delivery applications. Annals of 3D Printed Medicine 2021, 4, 100037.
24. Mohammed, A. A.; Algahtani, M. S.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Ahmad, J.; Kotta, S., Annals of 3D Printed Medicine. 2021.
25. Mohammed, A. A.; Algahtani, M. S.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Ahmad, J., Optimization of semisolid extrusion (pressure-assisted microsyringe)-based 3D printing process for advanced drug delivery application. Annals of 3D Printed Medicine 2021, 2, 100008.
26. Kumari, N.; Akhtar, J.; Ahmad, M.; Badruddeen; Khan, M. I., An Outline on Vasicine, its Ethnomedical and Nanoformulation Approach. Journal of Biologically Active Products from Nature 2021, 11 (1), 42-59.
27. Garg, A.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Barkat, M. A.; Kaushik, P.; Ahmad, J.; Nollet, L. M. L., Imaging Techniques for Characterization of Nanoemulsions. In Nanoemulsions in Food Technology, CRC Press: 2021; pp 153-168.
28. Bukhari, S. I.; Imam, S. S.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Vuddanda, P. R.; Alshehri, S.; Mahdi, W. A.; Ahmad, J., Recent Progress in Lipid Nanoparticles for Cancer Theranostics: Opportunity and Challenges. Pharmaceutics 2021, 13 (6), 840.
29. Algahtani, M. S.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Shaikh, I. A.; Abdel-Wahab, B. A.; Nourein, I. H.; Ahmad, J., Thymoquinone Loaded Topical Nanoemulgel for Wound Healing: Formulation Design and In-Vivo Evaluation. Molecules 2021, 26 (13), 3863.
30. Algahtani, M. S.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Nourein, I. H.; Albarqi, H. A.; Alyami, H. S.; Alyami, M. H.; Alqahtani, A. A.; Alasiri, A.; Algahtani, T. S.; Mohammed, A. A., Preparation and characterization of curcumin nanoemulgel utilizing ultrasonication technique for wound healing: In vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo evaluation. Gels 2021, 7 (4), 213.
31. Ahmad, M. Z.; Rizwanullah, M.; Mohammad, A. A.; Ahmad, J.; Nollet, L. M. L., Physical Characterization Technique for Nanoemulsions. In Nanoemulsions in Food Technology, CRC Press: 2021; pp 141-152.
32. Ahmad, M. Z.; Ahmad, J.; Aslam, M.; Khan, M. A.; Alasmary, M. Y.; Abdel-Wahab, B. A., Repurposed drug against COVID-19: nanomedicine as an approach for finding new hope in old medicines. Nano Express 2021, 2 (2), 022007.
33. Ahmad, M. Z.; Ahmad, J.; Alasmary, M. Y.; Abdel-Wahab, B. A.; Warsi, M. H.; Haque, A.; Chaubey, P., Emerging advances in cationic liposomal cancer nanovaccines: opportunities and challenges. Immunotherapy 2021, 13 (6), 491-507.
34. Khan, F. A.; Rizwanullah, M.; Perwez, A.; Zaki, M., Polymeric Nanomedicines in Treatment of Breast Cancer: Review of Contemporary Research. Frontiers in Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery 2020, 11, 36-66.
35. Algahtani, M. S.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Ahmad, J., Nanoemulsion loaded polymeric hydrogel for Topical delivery of curcumin in Psoriasis. Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology 2020.
36. Algahtani, M. S.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Ahmad, J., Co-Delivery of Imiquimod and Curcumin by Nanoemugel for Improved Topical Delivery and Reduced Psoriasis-Like Skin Lesions. Biomolecules 2020, 10 (7), 968-https.
37. Algahtani, M. S.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Ahmad, J., Nanoemulgel for Improved Topical Delivery of Retinyl Palmitate: Formulation Design and Stability Evaluation. Nanomaterials (Basel) 2020, 10 (5), 848.
38. Alam, S.; Algahtani, M. S.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Ahmad, J., Investigation utilizing the HLB concept for the development of moisturizing cream and lotion: In-vitro characterization and stability evaluation. Cosmetics 2020, 7 (2), 43.
39. Alam, M. S.; Algahtani, M. S.; Ahmad, J.; Kohli, K.; Shafiq-un-Nabi, S.; Warsi, M. H.; Ahmad, M. Z., Formulation design and evaluation of aceclofenac nanogel for topical application. Therapeutic Delivery 2020, 11 (12), 767-778.
40. Akhter, M. H.; Rizwanullah, M.; Ahmad, J.; Amin, S.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Minhaj, M. A.; Mujtaba, M. A.; Ali, J., Molecular Targets and Nanoparticulate Systems Designed for the Improved Therapeutic Intervention in Glioblastoma Multiforme. Drug Research 2020.
41. Ahmad, M. Z.; Ahmad, J.; Zafar, S.; Warsi, M. H.; Abdel-Wahab, B. A.; Akhter, S.; Alam, M. A., Omega-3 fatty acids as adjunctive therapeutics: prospective of nanoparticles in its formulation development. Therapeutic Delivery 2020, 11 (1), 851-868.
42. Ahmad, M. Z.; Ahmad, J.; Warsi, M. H.; Abdel-Wahab, B. A.; Akhter, S., Metallic nanoparticulate delivery systems. In Nanoengineered Biomaterials for Advanced Drug Delivery, Elsevier: 2020; pp 279-328.
43. Ahmad, M. Z.; Ahmad, J.; Warsi, M. H., Basel A. Abdel-Wahab c, d, Sohail Akhter e, f, g aDepartment of Pharmaceutics, College of Pharmacy, Najran University, Najran, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, bDepartment of Pharmaceutics, College of Pharmacy, Taif University, Taif, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, cDepartment of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, Assiut. 2020.
44. Ahmad, M. Z.; Ahmad, J.; Haque, A.; Alasmary, M. Y.; Abdel-Wahab, B. A.; Akhter, S., Emerging advances in synthetic cancer nano-vaccines: opportunities and challenges. Expert Review of Vaccines 2020, 19 (11), 1053-1071.
45. Ahmad, J.; Rizwanullah, M.; Amin, S.; Warsi, M. H.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Barkat, M. A., Nanostructured Lipid Carriers (Nlcs): Nose-to-Brain Delivery and Theranostic Application. Current drug metabolism, doi: 10.2174/1389200221666200719003304 2020.
46. Ahmad, J.; Khan, F. A.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Mir, S. R.; Alam, N.; Amin, S., Oral Administration of Cancer Chemotherapeutics Exploiting Self-Nanoemulsifying Drug Delivery System: Recent Progress and Application. Frontiers in Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery: Volume 11 2020, 11, 83.
47. Ahmad, J.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Akhter, H., Surface-engineered cancer nanomedicine: rational design and recent progress. Current Pharmaceutical Design 2020, 26 (11), 1181-1190.
48. Yusuf, M.; Nasiruddin, M.; Sultana, N.; Akhtar, J.; Khan, M. I.; Ahmad, M., Regulatory Mechanism of Caffeic acid on glucose Metabolism in Diabetes. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 2019, 12 (10), 4735-4740.
49. Siddiqui, A.; Badruddeen; Akhtar, J.; Uddin Ms, S.; Khan, M. I.; Khalid, M.; Ahmad, M., A naturally occurring flavone (chrysin): chemistry, occurrence, pharmacokinetic, toxicity, molecular targets and medicinal properties. Journal of Biologically Active Products from Nature 2018, 8 (4), 208-227.
50. Muztaba, M.; Khan, M. I.; Khalid, M.; Tarique, M.; Akhtar, J.; Ahmad, M., CoQ10: A miraculous and clinically vital coenzyme for normal body functions, prevention and treatment of diseases. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 2018, 10 (5), 976-982.
51. Md, R.; Ahmad, J.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Algahtani, M. S., Nanoemulsions: Formulation Insights, Applications, and Recent Advances. In Nanodispersions for Drug Delivery, Taylor and Francis: 2018; pp 47-71.
52. Khan Fa, N. K. S. C. S. V. M. S. M. G. M. Z. A. S. A., 3D Printing Technology in Customized Drug Delivery System: Current State of the Art, Prospective and the Challenges. Current Pharmaceutical Design 2018, 24 (42), 5049-5061.
53. Ahmad, M. Z.; Mohammed, A. A.; Mokhtar Ibrahim, M., Technology overview and drug delivery application of proniosome. Pharmaceutical Development and Technology 2017, 22 (3), 302-311.
54. Ahmad, M.; Mishra, A.; Usmani, A.; Ahmad, M. P., Dietary agents and Phytochemicals in the Prevention and treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma. Journal of National Medical College 2017, 2 (1), 52-62.
55. Zaki Ahmad, M., Editorial (Thematic Issue: Advancement in Natural Products for Disease Therapy: Basic and Application). Current Bioactive Compounds 2016, 12 (2), 62-62.
56. Siddiqui, M. A.; Ahmad, U.; Khan, A. A.; Ahmad, M.; Badruddeen, K. M.; Akhtar, J., Isoprenaline: a tool for inducing myocardial infarction in experimental animals. Int J Pharm 2016, 6 (2), 138-44.
57. Rahman, M.; Beg, S.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Anwar, F. K. V., Graphene and Its Diverse Applications in Healthcare Systems. In Graphene Science Handbook Size-Dependent Properties, Taylor and Francis group: 2016; pp 397-414.
58. Akhter, S.; Anwar, M.; Siddiqui, M. A.; Ahmad, I.; Ahmad, J.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Bhatnagar, A.; Ahmad, F. J., Improving the topical ocular pharmacokinetics of an immunosuppressant agent with mucoadhesive nanoemulsions: Formulation development, in-vitro and in-vivo studies. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 2016, 148, 19-29.
59. Ahmad, M. Z.; Alkahtani, S. A.; Akhter, S.; Ahmad, F. J.; Ahmad, J.; Akhtar, M. S.; Mohsin, N.; Abdel-Wahab, B. A., Progress in nanotechnology-based drug carrier in designing of curcumin nanomedicines for cancer therapy: current state-of-the-art. Journal of drug targeting 2016, 24 (4), 273-293.
60. Ahmad, M. Z.; Abdel-Wahab, B. A.; Alam, A.; Zafar, S.; Ahmad, J.; Ahmad, F. J.; Midoux, P.; Pichon, C.; Akhter, S., Toxicity of inorganic nanoparticles used in targeted drug delivery and other biomedical application: An updated account on concern of biomedical nanotoxicology. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2016, 16 (8), 7873-7897.
61. Rahman, M.; Akhter, S.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Ahmad, J.; Addo, R. T.; Ahmad, F. J.; Pichon, C., Emerging advances in cancer nanotheranostics with graphene nanocomposites: opportunities and challenges. Nanomedicine 2015, 10 (15), 2405-2422.
62. Rahman, M.; Akhter, S.; Ahmad, J.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Beg, S.; Ahmad, F. J., Nanomedicine-based drug targeting for psoriasis: potentials and emerging trends in nanoscale pharmacotherapy. Expert opinion on drug delivery 2015, 12 (4), 635-652.
63. Rahman, M.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Ahmad, J.; Firdous, J.; Jalees Ahmad, F.; Mushtaq, G.; A Kamal, M.; Akhter, S., Role of graphene nano-composites in cancer therapy: theranostic applications, metabolic fate and toxicity issues. Current drug metabolism 2015, 16 (5), 397-409.
64. Akhter, S.; Amin, S.; Ahmad, J.; Khan, S.; Anwar, M.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Rahman, Z.; Ahmad, F. J., Nanotechnology to combat multidrug resistance in cancer. Resistance to Targeted ABC Transporters in Cancer 2015, 245-272.
65. Ahmad, J.; Amin, S.; Rahman, M.; Abdur Rub, R.; Singhal, M.; Zaki Ahmad, M.; Rahman, Z.; T Addo, R.; Jalees Ahmad, F.; Mushtaq, G., Solid matrix based lipidic nanoparticles in oral cancer chemotherapy: applications and pharmacokinetics. Current drug metabolism 2015, 16 (8), 633-644.
66. Ahmad, J.; Akhter, S.; Rizwanullah, M.; Amin, S.; Rahman, M.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Rizvi, M. A.; Kamal, M. A.; Ahmad, F. J., Nanotechnology-based inhalation treatments for lung cancer: state of the art. Nanotechnology, science and applications 2015, 8, 55.
67. Zaki Ahmad, M.; Akhter, S.; Mohsin, N.; A Abdel-Wahab, B.; Ahmad, J.; Husain Warsi, M.; Rahman, M.; Mallick, N.; Jalees Ahmad, F., Transformation of curcumin from food additive to multifunctional medicine: nanotechnology bridging the gap. Current drug discovery technologies 2014, 11 (3), 197-213.
68. Shabib Akhtar, M.; Mohsin, N.; Zahak, A.; Ruhal Ain, M.; Pillai, P. K.; Kapur, P.; Zaki Ahmad, M., Antimicrobial Sensitivity Pattern of Bacterial Pathogens in Urinary Tract Infections in South Delhi, India. Reviews on Recent Clinical Trials 2014, 9 (4), 271-275.
69. Akhter, S.; Ramazani, F.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Ahmad, J.; Ahmad, I.; Rahman, Z.; Amin, S.; Ahmad, F. J., Theranostic metallic nanomedicine in oncology: new insights and concerns. Front Anti-Cancer Drug Discov 2014, 3, 262-91.
70. Akhtar, M. S.; Mohsin, N.; Zahak, A.; Ain, M. R.; Pillai, P. K.; Kapur, P.; Ahmad, M. Z., Antimicrobial sensitivity pattern of bacterial pathogens in urinary tract infections in South Delhi, India. Rev Recent Clin Trials 2014, 9 (4), 271-275.
71. Ahmad, M. Z.; Akhter, S.; Rahman, Z.; Ahmad, J.; Ahmad, I.; Ahmad, F. J., Nanomedicine based drug targeting in Alzheimer’s disease: High impact of small carter. Drug Design and Discovery in Alzheimer's Disease 2014, 716-739.
72. Ahmad, I.; Akhter, S.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Shamim, M.; Rizvi, M. A.; Khar, R. K.; Ahmad, F. J., Collagen loaded nano-sized surfactant based dispersion for topical application: formulation development, characterization and safety study. Pharmaceutical development and technology 2014, 19 (4), 460-467.
73. Zaki Ahmad, M.; Akhter, S.; Mallik, N.; Anwar, M.; Tabassum, W.; Jalees Ahmad, F., Application of decoy oligonucleotides as novel therapeutic strategy: a contemporary overview. Current drug discovery technologies 2013, 10 (1), 71-84.
74. Rahman, M.; Beg, S.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Kazmi, I.; Ahmed, A.; Rahman, Z.; Ahmad, F. J.; Akhter, S., Omega–3 fatty acids as pharmacotherapeutics in psoriasis: current status and scope of nanomedicine in its effective delivery. Current drug targets 2013, 14 (6), 708-722.
75. Kumar Sarwa, K.; K Suresh, P.; Debnath, M.; Zaki Ahmad, M., Tamoxifen citrate loaded ethosomes for transdermal drug delivery system: preparation and characterization. Current Drug Delivery 2013, 10 (4), 466-476.
76. Beg, S.; Samad, A.; Nazish, I.; Sultana, R.; Rahman, M.; Zaki Ahmad, M.; Akbar, M., Colloidal drug delivery systems in vaccine delivery. Current Drug Targets 2013, 14 (1), 123-137.
77. Akhter, S.; Ramazani, F.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Ahmad, F. J.; Rahman, Z.; Bhatnagar, A.; Storm, G., Ocular pharmacoscintigraphic and aqueous humoral drug availability of ganciclovir-loaded mucoadhesive nanoparticles in rabbits. European journal of nanomedicine 2013, 5 (3), 159-167.
78. Akhter, S.; Ahmad, I.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Ramazani, F.; Singh, A.; Rahman, Z.; Ahmad, F. J.; Storm, G.; Kok, R. J., Nanomedicines as cancer therapeutics: current status. Current cancer drug targets 2013, 13 (4), 362-378.
79. Ahmad, M. Z.; Akhter, S.; Rahman, Z.; Akhter, S.; Anwar, M.; Mallik, N.; Ahmad, F. J., Nanometric gold in cancer nanotechnology: current status and future prospect. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2013, 65 (5), 634-651.
80. Ahmad, M. Z.; Akhter, S.; Dhiman, I.; Sharma, P.; Verma, R., Evaluation of material properties and compression characteristics of Assam Bora rice flours as a directly compressible vehicle in tablet formulation. Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery 2013, 10 (2), 163-171.
81. Ahmad, M. Z.; Akhter, S.; Anwar, M.; Kumar, A.; Rahman, M.; Talasaz, A. H.; Ahmad, F. J., Colorectal cancer targeted Irinotecan-Assam Bora rice starch based microspheres: a mechanistic, pharmacokinetic and biochemical investigation. Drug development and industrial pharmacy 2013, 39 (12), 1936-1943.
82. Ahmad, F. J.; Akhter, S.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Ramazani, F.; Samim, M.; Warsi, M. H.; Anwar, M.; Rahman; Z, Prospective Corollary of Ophthalmic Nanomedicine: A Concept Shift toward Chitosan- Based Mucoadhesive Nanomedicine. In Chitin and Chitosan Derivatives Advances in Drug Discovery and Developments, Taylor and Francis: 2013; pp 317-330.
83. Zaki Ahmad, M.; Akhter, S.; Dhiman, I.; Sharma, P.; Verma, R.; Rahman, M.; Rajkumari, A.; Jalees Ahmad, F., Tableting Properties of Assam Bora Rice Starch. Drug Delivery Letters 2012, 2 (1), 2-7.
84. Zaki Ahmad, M.; Akhter, S.; Anwar, M.; Singh, A.; Ahmad, I.; Ruhal Ain, M.; Kumar Jain, G.; Krishen Khar, R.; Jalees Ahmad, F., Feasibility of Assam Bora rice starch as a compression coat of 5-fluorouracil core tablet for colorectal cancer. Current Drug Delivery 2012, 9 (1), 105-110.
85. Singh, A.; Ahmad, I.; Akhter, S.; Zaki Ahmad, M.; Iqbal, Z.; J Ahmad, F., Thymoquinone: major molecular targets, prominent pharmacological actions and drug delivery concerns. Current Bioactive Compounds 2012, 8 (4), 334-344.
86. Rahman, M.; Zaki Ahmad, M.; Kazmi, I.; Akhter, S.; Beg, S.; Gupta, G.; Afzal, M.; Saleem, S.; Ahmad, I.; Shaharyar, A., Insight into the biomarkers as the novel anti-psoriatic drug discovery tool: a contemporary viewpoint. Current drug discovery technologies 2012, 9 (1), 48-62.
87. Rahman, M.; Zaki Ahmad, M.; Kazmi, I.; Akhter, S.; Afzal, M.; Gupta, G.; Ranjan Sinha, V., Emergence of nanomedicine as cancer targeted magic bullets: recent development and need to address the toxicity apprehension. Current Drug Discovery Technologies 2012, 9 (4), 319-329.
88. Rahman, M.; Alam, K.; Zaki Ahmad, M.; Gupta, G.; Afzal, M.; Akhter, S.; Kazmi, I.; Jalees Ahmad, F.; Anwar, F., Classical to current approach for treatment of psoriasis: a review. Endocrine, Metabolic & Immune Disorders-Drug Targets (Formerly Current Drug Targets-Immune, Endocrine & Metabolic Disorders) 2012, 12 (3), 287-302.
89. Rahman, M.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Kazmi, I.; Akhter, S.; Kumar, Y.; Ahmad, F. J.; Anwar, F., Novel approach for the treatment of cancer: theranostic nanomedicine. Pharmacologia 2012, 3 (9), 371-376.
90. Rahman, M.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Kazmi, I.; Akhter, S.; Afzal, M.; Gupta, G.; Jalees Ahmed, F.; Anwar, F., Advancement in multifunctional nanoparticles for the effective treatment of cancer. Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery 2012, 9 (4), 367-381.
91. Akhter, S.; Kushwaha, S.; Warsi, M. H.; Anwar, M.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Ahmad, I.; Talegaonkar, S.; Khan, Z. I.; Khar, R. K.; Ahmad, F. J., Development and evaluation of nanosized niosomal dispersion for oral delivery of Ganciclovir. Drug development and industrial pharmacy 2012, 38 (1), 84-92.
92. Akhter, S.; Ahmad, M. Z.; Ahmad, F. J.; Storm, G.; Kok, R. J., Gold nanoparticles in theranostic oncology: current state-of-the-art. Expert opinion on drug delivery 2012, 9 (10), 1225-1243.
93. Ahmad, M. Z.; Ali, M.; Mir, S. R., New phytoconstituents from the roots of Ocimum sanctum L. Journal of Pharmacy Research 2012, 5 (1), 548-550.
94. Ahmad, M. Z.; Akhter, S.; Anwar, M.; Rahman, M.; Siddiqui, M. A.; Ahmad, F. J., Compactibility and compressibility studies of Assam Bora rice starch. Powder technology 2012, 224, 281-286.
95. Ahmad, M. Z.; Akhter, S.; Anwar, M.; Ahmad, F. J., Assam Bora rice starch based biocompatible mucoadhesive microsphere for targeted delivery of 5-fluorouracil in colorectal cancer. Molecular Pharmaceutics 2012, 9 (11), 2986-2994.
96. Ahmad, M. Z.; Akhter, S.; Ahmad, I.; Singh, A.; Anwar, M.; Shamim, M.; Ahmad, F. J., In vitro and in vivo evaluation of Assam Bora rice starch-based bioadhesive microsphere as a drug carrier for colon targeting. Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery 2012, 9 (2), 141-149.
97. Zaki Ahmad, M.; Akhter, S.; Ahmad, I.; Rahman, M.; Anwar, M.; K Jain, G.; J Ahmad, F.; Krishen Khar, R., Development of polysaccharide based colon targeted drug delivery system: design and evaluation of Assam Bora rice starch based matrix tablet. Current Drug Delivery 2011, 8 (5), 575-581.
98. Akhter, S.; Zaki Ahmad, M.; Singh, A.; Ahmad, I.; Rahman, M.; Anwar, M.; Kumar Jain, G.; Jalees Ahmad, F.; Krishen Khar, R., Cancer targeted metallic nanoparticle: targeting overview, recent advancement and toxicity concern. Current pharmaceutical design 2011, 17 (18), 1834-1850.
99. Zaki Ahmad, M.; Bhattacharya, A., Isolation and physicochemical characterization of Assam Bora rice starch for use as a plasma volume expander. Current Drug Delivery 2010, 7 (2), 162-167.
100. Uppal, A.; Singh, A.; Gahtori, P.; Kumar Ghosh, S.; Zaki Ahmad, M., Antidepressants: current strategies and future opportunities. Current pharmaceutical design 2010, 16 (38), 4243-4253.
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المقررات التدرسية Physical Pharmacy, Pharmaceutics I, Pharmaceutics III, Microbiology II
الساعات المكتبية
8-9 | 9-10 | 10-11 | 11-12 | 12-1 | 1-2 | |
الأحد Sunday |
Student meeting | Research laboratory | Research laboratory | Pharmaceutics I Lab (1 pm-3 pm) |
الاثنين Monday |
Studsent meeting | Studnet meeting | Research laboratory | Research laboratory | Pharmaceutics Lab 6 pm-8 pm) |
الثلاثاء Tuesday |
Student meeting | Research laboratory | Research laboratory | Physical Pharmacy practical (1 pm-3 pm Microbiology II practical (3 pm-5 pm) |
الأربعاء Wednesday |
Student meeting | Student meeting | Pharmaceutics III Practical (1 pm-3 pm) |
الخميس Thursday |
Research laboratory | Research laboratory | Research laboratory |