الاسم الرباعي: ا. د./وديع فايد حسن الشميري
المسمى الوظيفي: أستاذ
المرتبة العلمية: أستاذ Full Professor
الكلية: العلوم والأداب
القسم: الرياضيات
وصف عام: أستاذ الرياضيات تخصص تحليل(نظم ديناميكية-كسوريات).
Researc Interests
Fractal geometry
Discrete Dynamical Systems
Fractal Dimensions
Chaos Theory
Iterated Function Systems
المؤهلات العلمية
المؤهلات العلمية: دكتوراه فلسفة في علوم الرياضيات+ماجستير علوم في الرياضيات+ دبلوم دراسات عليا في علوم الحاسبات+بكالوريوس علو رياضيات.
Name of University | Country of study | Field of study | Name of degree | Date received |
AL-Mustansiriah University | Iraq | Mathematics | Ph. D. | Feb., 2002 |
University of Baghdad | Iraq | Mathematics | M. Sc. | Oct., 1997 |
University of Walse College of Cardiff | U. K. | Computer Science | Post-graduate Diploma | June, 1990 |
Sana’a University | Yemen | Mathematics | B. Sc. | May, 1986 |
Ph. D. Thesis title: On Non-linear Iterated Function Systems.
Major academic discipline: Pure Mathematics.
Specialization: Analysis (Dynamical Systems - Fractals)
الخبرات التدريسية: التدريس الجامعي لاكثر من 21 عام بعد الدكتوراه في الدراسات الجامعية الاولية والعليا والاشراف على عدد من رسائل علمية ماجستير واطروحة دكتوراه ومناقشة عدد من الرسائل العلمية ماجستير واطروحة دكتوراه وحضور العديد من المؤتمرات العلمية الدولية والدورات التدريبية وتحكيم الترقيات العلمية الى مراتب علمية: أستاذ مشارك و أستاذ وتحكيم العديد من البحوث العلمية في مجال الاختصاص لمجلات علمية دولية واقليمية ومحلية.
a) Topics taught (or of interest for lecturing) in undergraduate program:
- Calculus I, Calculus II and Calculus III
- Sets Theory,
- Geometry and Trigonometry,
- Discrete Mathematics,
- Linear Algebra,
- Probability and Statistics,
- Special Functions,
- Abstract Algebra(Groups, Fields and Rings Theory),
- Real Analysis (1) and (2),
- Numerical Analysis(1) and (2),
- Complex Analysis, and
- Computer Graphics.
- Mathematical Analysis,
- Complex Analysis and its applications,
- Advance Numerical Analysis,
- Measure Theory,
- Dimensions Theory,
- Dynamical Systems &Chaos Theory,
- Differential Geometry,
- Graphs Theory,
- Fractals Geometry, and
- Algebra and its Applications
التخصصات والمهارات
المهام الوظيفية: رئيس لجنة الخطط والبرامج بقسم الرياضيات و المرشد الأكاديمي لقسم الرياضيات وعضو لجنة الترقيات بقسم الرياضيات في كلية العلوم والاداب وعضو لجنة التوجيه والإرشاد الطلابي بكلة العلوم والاداب.
الدورات التدربية
الدورات التدربية وورش العمل: حضور اكثر من 64 دورة تدريبية في مجال الجودة والاعتماد الاكاديمي وتوصيف البرامج العلمية والمقررات الدراسية والمكتبات وغيرها من الدورات التدريبية وورش العمل والندوات ذات الصلة بتوصيف وتطوير البرامج العلمية.
- English language Course, British Council, Sana'a, Yemen, April 19, 1987-June 22, 1987.
- English Language Test Services (ELTS), Cambridge University Test, British Council, April 11, 1988,
- English language Course, English Language Teaching Unit (CUECOS), University College Cardiff,
- Training on "Computer Documentation System (CDS / ISIS) ", Central Statistics organization (CSO)–
- Training on "Population Survey - Population & Housing Census", Central Statistics Organization (CSO), Sana'a, Yemen, January, 1994.
- Training on" Innovative Methods for Teaching Science at the University Level ", organized by YNCECS, Faculty of Science (Sana'a University), ISESCO, and UNESCO (CAIRO OFFICE), Faculty of Science, Sana'a University, Yemen, January 15-17, 2005.
- Workshop on "Discussion the Project of: Curriculum Evaluation and Development Guidance of Sana'a
- Workshop on “Developing the Curriculum of the Dep. of Mathematics", organized by Faculty of Science, IBB University, Yemen, April 13-14, 2005.
- Workshop on "Towards a Teacher Education Program for the Future", organized by MASTERY
- Workshop on "Laying the Foundation for a Better Teacher Education Program", organized by
- Workshop on "Further Development of Standards for Teacher Education Program in Science and
- Workshop on" New Science and Mathematics teacher education framework and beyond “, organized
- Workshop on "Building New Teacher Education Program on the Standards", organized by
- Workshop on completion "M220: PROGRAMMING IN MATHEMATICA", Wolfram Education
- MASTERY Project Symposium on "Revitalizing Teaching Practice in Yemen", organized by
- Training on "Academic Accreditation as Tool for Quality Assurance and Continuous Improvement", organized by Academic Development and Evaluation Section, Thamar University, Yemen, Aug. 11–12, 2007.
- MASTERY Project "Management Training" with Modules Roles and Skills of the Manager,
Interventions, Oct. 28 – Nov. 1, 2007, Aden, Yemen, organized by MDF Training & Consultancy, Ede,
The Netherlands.
- Tailor-made training and development program for the preparation of Science and Mathematics
the VU University in Amsterdam, Netherlands in the period 18 – 29 August 2008.
- Workshop on "Quality Assurance in Higher Education (I)", organized within the framework of the
Nov.16 – 18, 2008.
- Workshop on "ICT for Mathematics", organized by MASTERY Project, Sana'a University, Yemen,
- Workshop on "Strategy Plan for Universities I", organized by the Academic Development and
- Participated in the MASTERY Workshop "Problem Solving Course Training and Development",
- Workshop on "Methodologies", organized by MASTERY Project, Sana'a University, Yemen,
- Workshop on "Strategy Plan for Universities II", organized by the Academic Development and
- Participated in the MASTERY Workshop "Problem Solving Course Training and Development", organized by MASTERY Project, Sana'a University, Yemen, May 16 – 20, 2009.
- Workshop on " System of Quality Assurance and Academic Accreditation", organized by the Quality
- Workshop on "Quality Assurance in Higher Education II", organized by MASTERY Project, Sana'a
- Many Workshops on: Graphical Calculator, Standards, Mapping Standards to Courses, Course
MASTERY (NPT/YEM/054), Yemen.
- Experience statement, Faculty of Applied Science, Thamar University, Yemen, May 12, 2008.
- Experience statement, Thamar University, Yemen, May 12, 2008.
- Experience Certificate, Vice-President for Academic Affair's, Thamar University, Yemen, June 23, 2009.
- Experience Certificate, Faculty of Applied Science-Approved by Vice-President for Academic Affair's, Thamar University, Yemen, June 23, 2009.
- Workshop on "Self Evaluation", Deputy Rectorship for Development and Quality, Najran University, KSA, March 30, 2010.
- Workshop on "Course Specification according to the National Commission for Academic Accreditation & Assessment”, Preliminary year Deanship, Najran University, KSA, Nov. 09, 2010.
- Workshop on " Planning and Implementation of Self-study for Program Accreditation”, National Commission for Academic Accreditation & Assessment and British Council”, KSA, Feb. 19-20, 2011.
- Workshop on "The Essential Academic Leader”, Academic Leadership Center, Ministry of Higher Education, KSA, March 8-0, 2011.
- Acknowledgment Certificate for Working in "Self Evaluation Project", Deputy Rectorship for Development and Quality, Najran University, KSA, 1, 1432 H.
- Acknowledgment Statement for supervising for the development and quality assurance unit, faculty of Science and Arts, Deputy Rectorship for Development and Quality, Najran University, KSA, 19-1-
- Training program on” Curriculum maps”, Deanship of Development and Quality, Najran University, KSA, 16-17 March 2013.
- Training program on” Preparation of self-study reports”, Deanship of Development and Quality, Najran University, KSA, 2-3 Oct. 2013.
- Training program on” Learning outcomes for programs and courses and the their measuring methods”, Deanship of Development and Quality, Najran University, KSA, 11-12 Dec. 2013.
- Training program on” KPI’s and Bench-mark”, Deanship of Development and Quality, Najran University, KSA, 11-12 Dec. 2013.
- Training program on” Designing Improvement Plans according to Quality assurance ”, Deanship of Development and Quality, Najran University, KSA, 12-13 April. 2016.
- Acknowledgment Certificate for Working in "Semester 1, academic year 1436-1437 H.", Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Arts, Najran University, KSA.
- Acknowledgment Certificate for Working in "Semester 2, academic year 1436-1437 H.", Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Arts, Najran University, KSA.
- Training program on” Building Overall Report and Improvement Plans ”, Deanship of Development and Quality, Najran University, KSA, 04 Oct. 2016.
- Training program on” Info-graphic Education ”, Deanship of Development and Quality, Najran University, KSA, 12 March 2017.
- Acknowledgment Certificate for Working in the field of Dev. and Quality in Math Dep. "Semester 1, 20/4/1439H., academic year 1438-1439 H.", Faculty of Science and Arts, Najran University, KSA.
- Training program on” International Publication of Scientific Research ”, Deanship of Development and Quality, Najran University, KSA, 12 Feb. 2018.
- Training program on” Designing Personal Websites for Faculty members on the University Website ”, Deanship of Development and Quality, Najran University, KSA, 28 Feb. 2018.
- Training Workshop on ”Program Specification and Course Syllabus of the program”, Dep. of Math., Faculty of Science and Arts, Najran University, KSA, 28/8-2/9/1439H.
- Training Workshop on ”The mechanism for formulating the Learning Outcomes of teaching courses and preparation of course files”, Dep. of Math., Faculty of Science and Arts, Najran University, KSA, 5-7/9/1439H.
- Training Workshop on” Preparing the Reports of the Teaching Courses and the Plans for Improving the Teaching Performance”, Dep. of Math., Faculty of Science and Arts, Najran University, KSA, 12-14/9/1439H.
- Training program on” The system of preparing study plans in Najran University”, Deanship of Development and Quality, Najran University, KSA, 14 Jan. 2019.
- Acknowledgment Certificate for working in "Academic year 1439-1440 H.", Faculty of Science and Arts, Students Activities Unit, Najran University, KSA.
- Acknowledgment Certificate for working in "Quality", Faculty of Science and Arts, Najran University, KSA, 30/7/1440H.
- Training Workshop on”Quaality assurance and accreditation standards for the postgraduate programs and the requirements for their achievement”, Deanship of Development and Quality, Najran University, KSA, 4-5 Feb., 2019.
- Training Workshop on”, Course and Program Reports According to the famous errors”, Deanship of Development and Quality, Najran University, KSA, 6-7 Feb., 2019.
- Training Workshop on”, Research skills in the digital environment - the Saudi Digital Library as a model”, Deanship of Library Affairs, NU, KSA, 3/3/2021.
- Training Workshop on”, Information awareness is a platform for developing self-education and continuing education”, Deanship of Library Affairs, NU, KSA, 10/3/2021.
- Training Workshop on” Hope to work”, Deanship of Library Affairs, NU, KSA, 15/3/2021.
- Training Workshop on”, Academic scientific research in the Arab world: problems and solutions”, Deanship of Library Affairs, NU, KSA, 17/3/2021.
- Training Workshop on” Employing cultural heritage to serve tourism in Arab countries”, Deanship of Library Affairs, NU, KSA, 24/3/2021.
الأبحاث العلمية
الوصف: قائمة البحوث المنشورة في مجلات علمية محلية واقليمية ودولية ISI و SCOPUS وذات تصنيف Q1.
Al-shameri, W. F. H., "A Revised Algorithm That Generates Julia Sets Using Newton's Method ", SUJST No.1 (2004): A (55 - 63).
Al-shameri, W. F. H., "Nonlinear Generalization of Fractal Interpolation Functions ", Assiut Univ. J. of Mathematics and Computer Science 35(2), P-P. 19-35, Dec. (2006).
Al-shameri, W. F. H., "EIGENVALUES OF SYMMETRIC TRIDIAGONAL MATRIX BY THE QR – METHOD WITH ACCELERATION SHIFT", the Scientific Journal of the Faculty of Education - Thamar University, PP. 1-31, Vol. (1), No. (2), Jan. 2007.
Al-shameri, W. F. H., "Determination of the Covers for the Attractors of Iterated Function Systems ", Sana'a University Journal for Science and Technology SUJST No.4 (2007).
Al-shameri, W. F. H., "Sophisticated Procedure For Approximating The Fractal Pattern Box-Counting Dimension", IJAM, Volume 24 No. 5 2011, 685-708.
Al-shameri, W. F. H. “Dynamical Properties of the Hénon Mapping ", Int. Journal of Math. Analysis, Vol. 6, 2012, no. 49, 2419 – 2430
Al-shameri, W. F. H. and Mahiub, M. A. “Some Dynamical Properties of the Family of Tent Maps” , Int. Journal of Math. Analysis, Vol. 7, 2013, no. 29, 1433 - 1449.
Mahiub, M. A. and Al-shameri, W. F. H. “Numerical Solution of Hyper Singular Integral Equations by using Differential Transform Method”, European Journal of Scientific Research
ISSN 1450-216X / 1450-202X Vol. 132 No 1, May, 2015, pp.83-89.
Al-shameri, W. F. H. " Deterministic Algorithm for Constructing Fractal Attractors of Iterated Function Systems ”, European Journal of Scientific Research, ISSN 1450-216X / 1450-202X, Vol. 134 No 1, August, 2015, pp.121-131.
Al-shameri, W. F. H. “Existence of the attractor of recurrent iterated function system ",Journal of Engineering and Applied Science 14(1): 182-187, 2019.
Al-shameri, W. F. H. “Approximating Lyapunov Exponents of a Discrete Dynamical Systems”, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, Vol. 11, 1612-1615, 2019.
Al-shameri, W. F. H. “Some Results on Recurrent Fractal Interpolation Function”, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, Vol. 12, 1038–1043, 2020.
Al-shameri, W.F.H.; El Sayed, M. “Fractals Generated via Numerical Iteration Method”, Fractal and Fract., MDPI, 2022, 6, 196, https://doi.org/10.3390/fractalfract6040196.
El Sayed1 M., Al-shameri W. F. H. and El Safty M. A. ”On Soft Pre-Rough Approximation Space with Applications in Decision Making”, Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Tech Science Press, DOI: 10.32604/cmes.2022.020066.
الوصف: قائمة البحوث في المؤتمرات الدولية:
Al-shameri, W. F. H. (2004). Fractals from root finding iterative method. Paper presented at the Conference "6TH PAN-AFRICAN CONGRESS OF MATHEMATICIANS". Sep. 1-6. 7 November University, Tunis. - Al-shameri, W. F. H. (2004). Julia sets generated by numerical iterative methods. Paper presented and published by proceeding of "THE SCIENCE CONFERENCE 2004, Y. S. R. F." Annual Conference Proceedings. Oct. 11-13. Sheraton Hotel, Sana'a, Yemen.
- Al-shameri, W. F. H. (2005). Nonlinear Generalization of Fractal Interpolation Functions. Paper presented at the "SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NONLINEAR PHENOMENA: MODELLING AND ANALYSIS–CIPLN'2005". April 25–26–27. Faculty of Science and Techniques, Moulay Ismail University, Errachidia, Morocco.
- Al-shameri, W. F. H. (2006). Eigenvalues of Symmetric Tridiagonal Matrix by the QR-Method
- with Acceleration Shift. Paper presented at the "International Conference on Algebra, Number
Theory and their Applications". May 11–14. Department of Mathematics and Information,
Faculty of Science, Mohammed I University, Oujda, Morocco. - Al-shameri, W. F. H. (2007). The Mathematics and Science Teacher Education Reform in Yemen
CONFERENCE". 31st of March to 2nd of April. Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. - Al-shameri, W. F. H. (2008). The Fixed Point of Graph-Directed Iterated Function System. Paper presented at "THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES - ICM’2008". March 3-6. United Arab Emirates University, Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates.
المقررات التدرسية
الوصف: المقررات الدراسية التي أقوم بتدريسها في الفصل الدراسي الثاني 1445/1444هـ:
- إعداد الرسالة (اشراف على رسالة ماجستير)/ نوقشت في 22 ديسمبر 2022م.
- تحليل حقيقي(1)
- الاحتمالات والاحصاء الهندسي
- نظرية البيانات (فرع الطلاب)
- نظرية البيانات (فرع الطالبات)
الساعات المكتبية
8 - 9 | 9:10 - :1010 | 10 - 11 | 11:20 - 12 | 12 - 1:50 | 1 - 2 | |
الأحد Sunday |
محاضرة تحليل حقيقي(1) |
محاضرة نظرية البيانات-طالبات |
ساعة مكتبية 048-2 |
الاحتمالات والاحصاء الهندسي | الاحتمالات والاحصاء الهندسي | أعمال جودة |
الاثنين Monday |
محاضرة تحليل حقيقي(1) |
محاضرة تحليل حقيقي(1) |
ساعة مكتبية ارشاد اكاديمي) 048-2 |
محاضرة نظرية البيانات-طلاب |
محاضرة نظرية البيانات-طلاب |
ساعة مكتبية 048-2 |
الثلاثاء Tuesday |
ساعة مكتبية 048-2 |
محاضرة نظرية البيانات-طالبات |
ساعة مكتبية 048-2 |
الاحتمالات والاحصاء الهندسي | الاحتمالات والاحصاء الهندسي | أعمال جودة |
الأربعاء Wednesday |
ساعة مكتبية (ارشاد اكاديمي) 2-048 |
ساعة مكتبية 048-2 |
ساعة مكتبية 048-2 |
محاضرة نظرية البيانات- طلاب |
محاضرة نظرية البيانات-طالبات |
أعمال جودة |
الخميس Thursday |
ساعة مكتبية 048-2 |
محاضرة نظرية البيانات-طالبات |
ساعة مكتبية ارشاد اكاديمي) 048-2 |
ساعة مكتبية 048-2 |
Supervision on M. Sc. and Ph.D. Thesis (Dissertation)
- Co-supervisor of Ph.D. Thesis entitled: On the Linear Group PSL (10, q) Over a Finite Field
- Supervisor of M. Sc. Thesis entitled” The Capacity Dimension of the Fractal Attractor of Iterated Function System” Faculty of Science and Arts, Najran University, KSA, 2016
- Supervisor of M. Sc. Thesis entitled” Fractals Initiated from Numerical Iterative Methods in the Complex Plane ” Faculty of Science and Arts, Najran University, KSA, 14 March, 2019
- Supervisor of M. Sc. Thesis entitled” INVESTIGATING THE DYNAMICAL PROPERTIES OF THE ITERATIVE DISCRETE-TIME DYNAMICAL SYSTEM ” Faculty of Science and Arts, Najran University, KSA, 2022
Examination Committee(s) of Thesis(Dissertation) and Other Academic Committee(s)
- Member of the examination committee (External Examiner) of M.Sc. Thesis entitled: On the Fundamental Properties of Stirling Numbers. Dec. 25, 2006 Faculty of Science, Sana'a University, Yemen
- Member and co-supervisor of the examination committee of Ph. D. Thesis entitled: On the Linear Group PSL (10, q) Over a Finite Field GF (q), where q=2n. July. 1, 2008. Faculty of Science, Sana'a University, Yemen.
- Reporter and Supervisor of the examination committee of M. Sc. Thesis entitled” The Capacity Dimension of the Fractal Attractor of Iterated Function System”, Oct. 18, 2016, Faculty of Science and Arts, Najran University, KSA.
- Internal Member of the examination committee of M. Sc. Thesis entitled” Some Results on Fractal Interpolation”, Oct. 19, 2016, Faculty of Science and Arts, Najran University, KSA.
- Internal Member of the examination committee of M. Sc. Thesis entitled” On Two-Dimensional Sampling Series”, Jan. 19, 2016, Faculty of Science and Arts, Najran University, KSA.
- Reporter and Supervisor of the examination committee of M. Sc. Thesis entitled” Fractals Initiated from Numerical Iterative Methods in the Complex Plane ” Faculty of Science and Arts, Najran University, KSA, 14 March, 2019.
- Member of different academic committees such as Univ. Committees, Dep. Committees and Postgraduate Committee.
- Reviewer of scientific paper entitled: "Coronavirus decision-making based on a locally Simply* alpha generalized closed set", Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, 871 Coronado Center Drive, Suite 200,Henderson, Nevada, 89052, USA.
- Reviewer of scientific paper entitled: "Decision Making on Fuzzy Soft Simply* Continuous of Fuzzy Soft Multi-Function", Computer Systems Science and Engineering, 871 Coronado Center Drive, Suite 200, Henderson, Nevada, 89052, USA.
- Reviewer of scientific paper entitled: "Decision Making on Fuzzy Soft Upper and Fuzzy Soft Lower Simply* Continuous of Fuzzy Soft Multi-Function", Computers, Materials & Continua, 871 Coronado Center Drive, Suite 200, Henderson, Nevada, 89052, USA.
- Reviewer of scientific paper entitled: "Medical Application on Fuzzy Soft Upper and Fuzzy Soft Lower Simply* Continuous of Fuzzy Soft Multi-Function", Computers, Materials & Continua, 871 Coronado Center Drive, Suite 200, Henderson, Nevada, 89052, USA.
- Reviewer of scientific paper entitled: "Soft Exai -Rough Set and Its Applications in Decision Making of Coronavirus", Computers, Materials & Continua, 871 Coronado Center Drive, Suite 200, Henderson, Nevada, 89052, USA.
- Reviewer of scientific paper entitled: A two-point boundary value problem for an abstract operator
Technology (SUJST), Sana'a University, Yemen.
- Reviewer of scientific paper entitled: Some characterizations of strongly regular rings; The Scientific Journal of the Faculty of Education, Faculty of Education, Thamar University, Yemen.
- Reviewer of scientific paper entitled: Analytic solutions for Ekman Layer on a Porous plate; The
- Reviewer of scientific paper entitled: Spherical Solitons in a Warm ion-beam multi-component Plasma,
- Reviewer of scientific paper entitled: the solution of nonlinear equation of one variable, Sana'a
- Reviewer of scientific paper entitled: Fuzzy Star Refinement of Open Covering and Dimensions of
Thamar University, Yemen.
- Reviewer of scientific paper entitled: New B-spline Technique for Solving Fractional Integral
- Reviewer of scientific paper entitled: Bayesian Smoothing of Dynamic linear model – Step model. Thamar University Journal for natural and applied sciences, Thamar University, Yemen.
- Reviewer of scientific paper entitled: Zeta function for commuting matrix subshift. Thamar University Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences, Thamar University, Yemen.
- Seminar on "The plan of Math. Department, and Course Contents", Faculty of Applied Science, Taiz University, Yemen (2019).
- Seminar on "The plan of Math. Department, and Course Contents", Faculty of Sience and Arts, Najran University, Yemen (2018).
- Seminar on "The plan of Math. Department, and Course Contents", Faculty of Applied Science, Thamar University, Yemen (2003).
- Seminar on "The plan of Computer Science Department, and Course Contents ", Thamar University Institute for Continuous Education (past known as: Continuous Education Center), Yemen (2004).
- Seminars during "6TH PAN-AFRICAN CONGRESS OF MATHEMATICIANS". Sep. 1-6 (2004). 7 November University, Tunis.
- Seminars during the training on "THE SCIENCE CONFERENCE 2004", 11-13 Oct. (2004). Y. S. R. F., Yemen.
- Seminar during "Innovative Methods for Teaching Science at the University Level", YNCECS, Faculty of Science (Sana'a University), ISESCO, and UNESCO (CAIRO OFFICE), Faculty of Science, Sana'a University, Yemen, January 15-17(2005).
- Seminar on "Discussions of Guide and development Curriculum of Sana'a University", organized by Sana'a University, Yemen, Feb. 22-24, 2005.
- Seminar on. Curriculum, at Math. Dep. Faculty of Science organized by IBB University, Yemen, April 13-14, 2005.
- Seminars during "SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NONLINEAR PHENOMENA: MODELLING AND ANALYSIS–CIPLN'2005". April 25–26–27(2005). Faculty of Science and Techniques, Moulay Ismail University, Errachidia, Morocco.
- Seminars during "International Conference on Algebra, Number Theory and their Applications". May 11-14(2006). Department of Mathematics and Information, Faculty of Science, Mohammed I University, Oujda, Morocco.
- Seminars during "LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES AND MATHEMATICS MIDDLE EAST CONFERENCE". 31st of March to 2nd of April (2007). Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
- Seminars during "THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES - ICM’2008". March 3-6. United Arab Emirates University, Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates
- Many seminars through the period Jan. 2005 – May. 2009 (at least 3 per year) organized by Mastery project
- Four Seminars organized by Math. Departmental council, academic years 2006/2007-2007/2008 Faculty of Applied Science, Thamar University, Yemen
- Attended two seminars as Co-supervisor of Ph. D. Thesis entitled: On the Linear Group PSL (10, q) Over a Finite Field GF (q), where q=2n, Faculty of Science, Sana’a University, Yemen.
- Many seminars on: Mathematics, Computer Software, and Mathematics Curriculum, organized by MASTERY project and Thamar University, Yemen
- Many seminars on: Mathematics, Computer Software, and Mathematics Curriculum, organized by Department of Mathematics, Najran University, KSA.
- MASTERY (Mathematics and Science Teacher Education Reform in Yemen) Project in Thamar, Sana'a, Al-Hodeidah universities, Yemen and founded by Nuficc (The Netherlands Organization for International Cooperation in Higher Education), Netherlands and supervised by the Centre for International Cooperation, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (CIS-VUA).
- Coordinator of the project “Adoption of international academic reference standards- Project code 1/2”, Faculty of Science and Arts, Najran University, KSA, 11 months, academic year 1433-1434A. H.
- Coordinator of the project: Continuous Development for the requirement of the
University, KAS.
- Member of the project: Evaluation of Project code: 2/7, 1433-1434 H., Faculty of Science and
- Coordinator of the project: International Standards for Academic Programs, Project code: 1/2,
Books in Progress
Currently books in progress are on:
- Fractal Geometry
- Numerical Analysis
i. Univ. Committees:
- Faculty Committee for establishing the Dep. of Mathematics course undergraduate programs (majors: Mathematics & Computing Mathematics), Faculty of Applied Science, Thamar University, Yemen (2003) (Past).
- Committee for writing the Guide (Arabic and English versions) of the Faculty of Applied Science, Thamar University, Yemen (2003) (Past).
- Member of the Committee for developing University regulation for students' affairs, Thamar
- Member of the Committee for establishing Thamar University Institute for Continuous Education (Past).
- Member of the Committee of Mastery project (CRL of the Faculty of Applied Science, Thamar
- Member of Mastery project Committees for course development, writing standards, mapping
Program (Math. Teacher) in Faculty of Education (in Thamar, Sana'a and Al-Hodeidah
- Member of the Faculty of Applied Science (Thamar Univ.) Council from academic year 2003/2004 till now.
- Member of the main Control Committee of the Faculty of Applied Science, Thamar Univ. (Past).
- Member of the management Council of Thamar Univ. Institute for Continuous Education, from academic year 2003/2004 till March, 1st, 2008 (Past).
- Head of the Control Committee of the Faculty of Applied Science, Thamar Univ. (Past).
- Member of the Higher Examinations Committee of the Faculty of Applied Science, Thamar Univ. 2004 till now.
- Member of the students' affairs council for Thamar Univ. from academic year 2003/2004 till now.
- Member of the Faculty of Applied Science (Thamar Univ.) Council as Vice-Dean for students'
- Member of the Council of Scientific and Engineering Research Center in Najran University, Saudi Arabia, 3\11\1434 H. – 1437 H
- Coordinator of the Development and quality unit, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Arts, Najran University, KAS., 5\11\1434 H. – Continue to date
- Member of Scientific Council in Najran University, Saudi Arabia (19/2/1430–29/12/1432 H.)
- Chairman of the programs and course specifications committee in the development and quality Assurance unit, faculty of Science and Arts, Najran University, KSA, 2011 – Continue to date
- Coordinator of the development and quality assurance unit, Faculty of Science and Arts, Najran University, KSA, 2010-2011
- Chairman of the Academic Accreditation Committee, faculty of Science and Arts, Najran University, KSA, 1438-1439 – Continue to date
- Member of the Committee for establishing Computer Science Dep. (2 years program), Thamar University Institute for Continuous Education (Academic year 2004/2005) (Past).
- Member of the Committee for Math. Plan of the Dep. of Mathematics, Faculty of Applied Science, Thamar University (Academic year 2004/2005) (Past).
- Head and member of the Council of the Dep. Of computer science of Thamar University Institute for Continuous Education from academic year 2003/2004 to March. 2008 (Past).
- Member of the Council of the Dep. of Computer Science, Thamar University Institute for Continuous Education from academic year 2003/2004 to March. 1, 2008(Past).
- Head of Departmental committee of the Math. Dep., Faculty of Applied Science, Thamar University, from Dec. 2, 2003 until Jan 31st, 2007(Past).
- Member of the Council of the Dep. of Math., Faculty of Applied Science, Thamar University from academic year Sep. 15th, 2003 till now.
- Member of the Council of the Dep. of Math., Faculty of Science and Arts, Najran University from academic year 1430-1440H. till now.
- Coordinator of the Development and quality unit, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science
- Thesis Committees
- Member of the examination committee (External Examiner) of M.Sc. Thesis entitled: On the Fundamental Properties of Stirling Numbers. Dec. 25, 2006. Faculty of Science, Sana'a University, Yemen.
- Member and co-supervisor of the examination committee of Ph. D. Thesis entitled: On the Linear Group PSL (10, q) Over a Finite Field GF (q), where q=2n. July. 1, 2008. Faculty of Science, Sana'a University, Yemen.
- Reporter and Supervisor of the examination committee of M. Sc. Thesis entitled” The Capacity Dimension of the Fractal Attractor of Iterated Function System”, Oct. 18, 2016, Faculty of Science and Arts, Najran University, KSA.
- Internal Member of the examination committee of M. Sc. Thesis entitled” Some Results on Fractal Interpolation”, Oct. 19, 2016, Faculty of Science and Arts, Najran University, KSA.
- Internal Member of the examination committee of M. Sc. Thesis entitled” On Two-Dimensional Sampling Series”, Jan. 19, 2016, Faculty of Science and Arts, Najran University, KSA.
- Reporter and Supervisor of the examination committee of M. Sc. Thesis entitled” INVESTIGATING THE DYNAMICAL PROPERTIES OF THE ITERATIVE DISCRETE-TIME DYNAMICAL SYSTEM ” Faculty of Science and Arts, Najran University, KSA, 2022.
- Referee of the Following Researches "for member of academic staff from IBB University, Yemen" for Promotion from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor
- "Nonlinear Iterated Function System Coding Using Neural Networks", Neural Network World
(NNW), Volume 16 (2006), PP. 349-355.
- "Activation Function On Fractal Image Coding With Neural Networks", International Journal of
Applied Mathematics (IJAM) ISSN 1311-1728, Volume 21, No. 2 (2008), PP. 22
- "Handwriting Arabic Character Recognition Using LeNet Neural Network", accepted for
publishing in the International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT), Volume 6, No.3,
Jul. 2009
- Referee of the Following Researches "for member of academic staff from Al-Hodeidah University, Yemen" for Promotion from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor
- "On Fuzzy Star Refinement of Open Covering and Dimensions of Fuzzy Topological Spaces ", the Scientific Journal of the Faculty of Education - Thamar University, Vol. (1), No. (5), June, 2008 PP. 7-21.
- "Some Properties and Zero Dimensionality in Fuzzy Metric Spaces ", International Journal of Applied Mathematics (IJAM) ISSN 1311-1728, 17 (June 2008), PP. 22-32.
- "Normality and Paracompactness in Fuzzy Topological Spaces ", accepted for publishing in the Tehama Journal Physical and Applied Science- Al-Hodeidah University, No. (9) PP. 224-257.
- Referee of the Following Researches "for member of academic staff from Sana’a University, Yemen" for Promotion from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor
- "Positive Functionals on Pseudo-Complete Locally Convex *-Algebras", Assiut Univ. J. of Mathematics and Computer Science 40(1), P-P.53-63(2011)
- "Some Results on Locally Locally Convex Involution Algebras", Assiut Univ. J. of Mathematics and Computer Science 40(1), P-P.65-72(2011)
- "On A Class of Locall Convex Involution Algebras ", Thamar University J. of Natural and Applied Sciences, 2012 A(5) 137-145
- Referee of the Following Researches "for member of academic staff from Taif University, KSA" for Promotion from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor
Journal : Jokull Journal
Volume : Vol 64
Year : 2014
Pages : 144–152
Title : Attribute topologies based similarity
Journal: Journal of Cogent mathematics
Volume: 3
Year : 2016
Pages : 1-11
Title : Discovery of Similarity and Dissimilarity
Journal: Journal of Mathematics Research
Volume: 8
Year : 2016
Pages : 105-113
Title : Topological methods for reduction of digital information
Journal: Jokull Journal
Volume: 68
Year : 2018
Pages : 2-13
Title : Metaheuristic Algorithms for Verification based on
Biometric Features
Journal : International Journal of Applied Engineering Research
Volume : Vol. 13
Year : 2018
Pages : 7564-7569
Title : Attribute priority arrangement of cancellations in the life
insurance using rough set
Journal : International Journal of Customer Relationship
Marketing and Management (IJCRMM)
Volume : Vol. 9
Year : 2018
Pages : 16-43
Title : A topological method for reduction in digital information
Journal : Soft Computing
Volume : Vol. 190
Year : 2019
Pages : 1344 - 1352
Title : New Classes of Soft Open Sets in Soft Generalized
Topological Spaces
Journal : The Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics
Volume : Vol. 28
Year : 2020
Pages : 721-732
Title : Topological Method for a Study of Discriminating Three
Categories of Banks and its use in Attributes Reduction
Journal : International Journal of Scientific Research in Science,
Engineering and Technology
Volume : Vol. 7
Year : 2020
Pages : 221-233
- Referee of the Following Researches "for member of academic staff from Taif University, KSA" for Promotion from Associate Professor to Full Professor
2. Some Numerical Methods for Solving Linear Two-Dimensional Volterra Integral Equation. Journal of Progressive Research in Mathematics(JPRM) ISSN: 2395-0218, Volume 11, Issue 3, Published online: March 21, 2017
3. Some Numerical Techniques for Solve Nonlinear Fredholm-Volterra Integral Equation. Journal of Progressive Research in Mathematics(JPRM) ISSN: 2395-0218, Volume 13, Issue 3, Published online: May 03, 2018
4. SIMPSON'S RULE AND ROMBERG INTEGRATION FOR SOLVING NON-LINEAR FREDHOLM INTEGRAL EQUATION, International Journal of Research and Reviews in Applied Sciences (IJRRAS), ISSN: 2076-734X, EISSN: 2076-7366, IJRRAS 40 (1), July 2019
5. SOME TECHNIQUES FOR SOLVING FREDHOLM-VOLTERRA INTEGRAL EQUATION OF THE SECOND KIND, International Journal of Research and Reviews in Applied Sciences (IJRRAS), ISSN: 2076-734X, EISSN: 2076-7366, IJRRAS 40 (1), July 2019
6. Runge-Kutta Method and Bolck by Block Method to Solve Nonlinear Fredholm-Volterra, Integral Equation with Continuous Kernel, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 2020, 8, 2043-2054, ISSN Online: 2327-4379, ISSN Print: 2327-4352
7. Singular Hammerstein-Volterra Integral Equation and Its Numerical Processing. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 2021, 9, 379-390, ISSN Online: 2327-4379, ISSN Print: 2327-4352
8. Computational Programs for Solving Fredholm-Volterra Integral Equation with
Its Numerical Data, 2021 International Conference of Women in Data Science at Taif University (WiDSTaif ) | 978-1-6654-4948-9/21/$31.00, ©2021 IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/WIDSTAIF52235.2021.9430247
9. Two Dimensional Volterra Integral Equation with Singular Kernels in Contact
Problems and Its Numerical Computations, Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. ISSN 0973-1768 Volume 17, Number 2 (2021), pp. 183-196
© Research India Publications
10. Efficient Numerical Algorithm for the Solution of Nonlinear Two-Dimensional Volterra Integral Equation Arising from Torsion Problem, Hindawi, Advances in Mathematical Physics, Volume 2021, Article ID 6559694, 16 pages.
11. Nonlinear Fredholm integro-differential equation in two-dimensional and its numerical solutions, AIMS Mathematics, 6(10): 10383–10394. DOI: 10.3934/math.2021602 Received: 14 April 2021 Accepted: 08 July 2021 Published: 16 July 2021
12. A New Generalized Definition of Singular Kernel for Two-Dimensional Fredholm Integral Equation, International Journal of Mathematical Analysis Vol. 15, 2021, no. 5, 213 – 230, HIKARI Ltd, www.m-hikari.com
Referee of the Following books
Principles of Real Analysis, by Amin Alsanawy, Dep. of Math., Najran University, KSA, 2-6-1432 A. H.