home - yasir mohammed alhasan
د. ياسر محمد محمد الحسن
أستاذ مساعد
أستاذ مساعد
كلية العلوم و الاداب شرورة
قسم اللغة الانجليزية
تلفون المكتب: 1239865
البريد الإلكتروني: ymelhassan@nu.edu.sa
وصف عام
???????Dr. Yasir Elhassan is Assistant Professor of Linguistics at Najran University. His interests include Linguistics- Applied Linguistics - Discourse Analysis - Legal language and Translation.
المؤهلات العلمية
المؤهل تاريخ الحصول عليه الجامعة طريقة الحصول عليه
دكتوراه 2012 جامعة أمدرمان الاسلامية البحث
ماجستير 2004 جامعة امدرمان الإسلامية البحث
دبلوم ترجمة 2009 جامعة جوبا الدراسة
بكالوريوس 1996 جامعة أمدرمان الإسلامية الدراسة
التخصصات والمهارات
منسق قسم اللغة الانجليزية
الدورات التدربية
الدورات التدربية: كمتدرب
الأبحاث العلمية
المقررات التدرسية
اسم المقرر Course Name |
السنة Teaching Year |
ملاحظات Note |
English Grammar | 1998-2000 | Omdurman Islamic University (Faculties of Arts and Education)- Sudan |
Reading Skills | 1999-2000, 2003-2011 | Omdurman Islamic University (Faculty of Education) - Sudan |
Writing Skills | 1999-2000, 2003-2011 | Omdurman Islamic University(Faculty of Education) - Sudan |
Language Proficiency | 1999-2000, 2003-2011 | Omdurman Islamic University(Faculty of Education) - Sudan |
Intrudiction to Lingustics | 2003-2011 | Omdurman Islamic University (Faculty of Arts, English Department) - Sudan |
Intrudiction to Literture | 1999-2000 | Omdurman Islamic University(Faculty of Arts, English Department) - Sudan |
Advanced Lingustics | 2005-2008 | Omdurman Islamic University(Faculty of Arts, English Department) - Sudan |
Schools of Grammar | 2005-2007 | Omdurman Islamic University(Faculty of Arts, English Department) - Sudan |
Literary Criticism | 2005-2007 | Omdurman Islamic University(Faculty of Arts, English Department) - Sudan |
Semantics | 2005-20011 | Omdurman Islamic University(Faculty of Arts, English Department) - Sudan |
Business English | 2003-2011 | Sharq Elneel University College ( School of Economics)-Sudan |
Computing English | 2003-2011 | Sharq Elneel University College ( School of Computer Science)- Sudan |
Communicative Grammar | 2005-2008 | Omdurman Islamic University(Faculty of Arts, English Department) - Sudan |
Legal English | 2009-2011 | O.I.U (Higher Studies at Family Institute for Translation) |
Legal Translation | 2009 - 2011 | O.I.U (Higher Studies at Family Institute for Translation)- Sudan |
Advanced Writing (1) | 2010 - 2012 | O.I.U (Higher Studies, MA in Linguistics) - Sudan |
Grammar 1 | 2012-2013 | Najran (Faculty of Science and Arts in Sharurah))- KSA |
Writing 3 | 2012-2019 | Najran University (Faculty of Science and Arts in Sharurah)- KSA |
Applied Linguistics | 2012-2020 | Najran University (Faculty of Science and Arts in Sharurah))- KSA |
Language Acquisition | 2012-2019 | Najran University (Faculty of Science and Arts in Sharurah)- KSA |
Phonetics | 2012-2021 | Najran University (Faculty of Science and Arts in Sharurah)- KSA |
Phonology | 2012-2021 | Najran University (Faculty of Science and Arts in Sharurah)- KSA |
Morhpology and Syntax | 2012-2013 | Najran University (Faculty of Science and Arts in Sharurah)- KSA |
Reading 3 | 2014-2015 | Najran University (Faculty of Science and Arts in Sharurah)- KSA |
Writing 3 | 2014-2019 | Najran University (Faculty of Science and Arts in Sharurah)- KSA |
Trnslation 2 | 2014-2015 | Najran University (Faculty of Science and Arts in Sharurah)- KSA |
The History of English Language | 2018-2020 | Najran University (Faculty of Languages and Transalationin Sharurah)- KSA |
Language & Culture | 2019-2023 | Najran University (Faculty of Languages and Translation in Sharurah)- KSA |
Contrastive Linguistics | 2019-2023 | Najran University (Faculty of Languages and Translation in Sharurah)- KSA |
Sociolinguistics | 2021-2023 | Najran University (Faculty of Languages and Translation in Sharurah)- KSA |
Discourse Analysis ??????? Grammaticl Structure Teaching English Methods ???????Teching English To Primary School Students |
2021-2023 - Post Diploma 2022-2023 2022 -2023 |
Najran University (Faculty of Languages and Translation in Sharurah)- KSA |
الساعات المكتبية
8-9 | 9-10 | 10-11 | 11-12 | 12-1 | 1-2 | |
الأحد Sunday |
الاثنين Monday |
الثلاثاء Tuesday |
Office Hour | Office Hour | Office Hour | Office Hour | ||
الأربعاء Wednesday |
الخميس Thursday |
Office Hour | Office Hour | Office Hour | Office Hour |