د. ياسر محمد محمد الحسن

أستاذ مساعد

أستاذ مساعد
كلية العلوم و الاداب شرورة
قسم اللغة الانجليزية
تلفون المكتب: 1239865
البريد الإلكتروني: ymelhassan@nu.edu.sa 

وصف عام
???????Dr. Yasir Elhassan is Assistant Professor of Linguistics at Najran University. His interests include Linguistics- Applied Linguistics - Discourse Analysis - Legal language and Translation.

المؤهلات العلمية

    المؤهل                           تاريخ الحصول عليه                              الجامعة                                              طريقة الحصول عليه 
  دكتوراه                                   2012                                    جامعة أمدرمان الاسلامية                                 البحث
  ماجستير                                 2004                                     جامعة امدرمان الإسلامية                                البحث
  دبلوم ترجمة                         2009                                    جامعة جوبا                                                              الدراسة 
  بكالوريوس                          1996                                    جامعة أمدرمان الإسلامية                                  الدراسة 


Participation in Workshop as (Trainer):                                       
  • Principles of English Language for Students of Computer and Islamic Studies 1433/1435  
  • The Language of Legal Procedures for Public Prosecutors in Sharurah Province 1334/1435
  • Extensive English Skills Course for Engineers at White Nile Petroleum Company (WNPC) ,  (May – June, 2007)- Sudan
  • Training Session for English Language Teachers in Sharurah Province, June 2015.
  • Training Session for Prince Mishaal Secondary School Students- Mobaderoun Program in Sharourah Province. (15/16/17/4/1437, KSA)
  • Training Session for English language Graduates (Teacher trainees) in Sharuorah College of Sciences and Arts, 1440-1441.
Courses (Trainee):    
  • The Use of Modern Technology in Teaching 8-9/4/1434 (Sharurah)
  • Learning and Teaching 2/5/1434 (Sharurah)
  • The Use of Digital Library 12/2/1435 (Sharurah)
  • Assessment of ILOs 15-16/2/1435 (Sharurah)
  • An Effective Teaching Methods 10/4/1435 (Sharurah)
  • Active Learning 5/5/1435 (Sharurah)
  • Designing and Testing ILOs 28/6/1435 (Sharurah)
  • E. Learning 23-24/1/1436 (Sharurah)
  • Shaping the Way We Teach English (Webinar Course, 2011) USA
  • Teaching English to Young Learners (6/1/-23/3/2011) Online Course- University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA

التخصصات والمهارات

  منسق قسم اللغة الانجليزية  

الدورات التدربية

الدورات التدربية: كمتدرب

الأبحاث العلمية


  A Review of Spelling Errors in Arabic and Non-Arabic Contexts
English Language Teaching; Vol. 11, No. 10; 2018 -ISSN 1916-4742 E-ISSN 1916-4750- Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education
Investigating the Generic Features of the Sudanese Judicial Precedents   -.
 Theory and Practice in Language Studies ISSN 1799-259- Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 248-259, February 2020

المقررات التدرسية


اسم المقرر
Course Name
Teaching Year
English Grammar 1998-2000 Omdurman Islamic University (Faculties of Arts and Education)- Sudan
Reading Skills 1999-2000, 2003-2011 Omdurman Islamic University (Faculty of Education) - Sudan
Writing Skills 1999-2000, 2003-2011 Omdurman Islamic University(Faculty of Education) - Sudan
Language Proficiency 1999-2000, 2003-2011 Omdurman Islamic University(Faculty of Education) - Sudan
Intrudiction to Lingustics  2003-2011 Omdurman Islamic University (Faculty of Arts, English Department) - Sudan
Intrudiction to Literture  1999-2000 Omdurman Islamic University(Faculty of Arts, English Department) - Sudan
Advanced Lingustics 2005-2008 Omdurman Islamic University(Faculty of Arts, English Department) - Sudan
Schools of Grammar 2005-2007 Omdurman Islamic University(Faculty of Arts, English Department) - Sudan
Literary Criticism 2005-2007 Omdurman Islamic University(Faculty of Arts, English Department) - Sudan
Semantics 2005-20011 Omdurman Islamic University(Faculty of Arts, English Department) - Sudan
Business English 2003-2011 Sharq Elneel University College  ( School of Economics)-Sudan
Computing English 2003-2011 Sharq Elneel University College   ( School of Computer Science)- Sudan
Communicative Grammar 2005-2008 Omdurman Islamic University(Faculty of Arts, English Department) - Sudan
Legal English 2009-2011 O.I.U (Higher Studies at Family Institute for Translation)
Legal Translation 2009 - 2011 O.I.U (Higher Studies at Family Institute for Translation)- Sudan
Advanced Writing (1) 2010 - 2012 O.I.U (Higher Studies, MA in Linguistics) - Sudan
Grammar 1 2012-2013 Najran (Faculty of Science and Arts in Sharurah))- KSA
Writing 3 2012-2019 Najran University (Faculty of Science and Arts in Sharurah)- KSA
Applied Linguistics 2012-2020 Najran University (Faculty of Science and Arts in Sharurah))- KSA
Language Acquisition 2012-2019 Najran University (Faculty of Science and Arts in Sharurah)- KSA
Phonetics 2012-2021 Najran University (Faculty of Science and Arts in Sharurah)- KSA
Phonology 2012-2021 Najran University (Faculty of Science and Arts in Sharurah)- KSA
Morhpology and Syntax 2012-2013 Najran University (Faculty of Science and Arts in Sharurah)- KSA
Reading 3 2014-2015 Najran University (Faculty of Science and Arts in Sharurah)- KSA
Writing 3 2014-2019 Najran University (Faculty of Science and Arts in Sharurah)- KSA
Trnslation 2 2014-2015 Najran University (Faculty of Science and Arts in Sharurah)- KSA
The History of English Language 2018-2020 Najran University (Faculty of  Languages and Transalationin Sharurah)- KSA
Language & Culture 2019-2023 Najran University (Faculty of Languages and Translation in Sharurah)- KSA
Contrastive Linguistics 2019-2023 Najran University (Faculty of Languages and Translation in Sharurah)- KSA
Sociolinguistics 2021-2023 Najran University (Faculty of Languages and Translation in Sharurah)- KSA

Discourse Analysis


Grammaticl Structure
Teaching English Methods
???????Teching English To Primary School Students                                   


Post Diploma   2022-2023 

2022 -2023
Najran University (Faculty of Languages and
Translation in Sharurah)- KSA

الساعات المكتبية


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Office Hour Office Hour Office Hour Office Hour